Sunday, June 16, 2024

Serendipitous Art: Crown Point Press

I visited Crown Point Press in San Francisco for the first time on Friday, June 14. As I stepped into the second-floor space, the famous printer and founder of the place, Kathan Brown, strolled by. She smiled, said hello, and suggested to one of the staff that I be given a tour, as a week-long workshop was just winding down. I noticed a beautiful print by Anne Appleby behind the desk in her office – a sort of diptych in two shades of green. There was a a small show of prints in the lobby, and a group of prints published at Crown Point Press for sale in a more formal gallery space. In the lobby area, one wall was lined with books published by the press. I learned that the summer workshops for this year are all full, but I'm thinking about trying to get into one next summer. Walking around the spaces I noted some scribbling on the walls that looked like art to me. Serendipitous art. 

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