Friday, April 11, 2014

Art I'm Making: Untitled Collage No. 35 (Santa Rosa)

Another collage. This one very small (only 6.7 x 7.7cm)--but size is not always important. Acrylic on paper, mono-printed elements, collage. April 1, 2014. Although unintended, this one gives me the impression of looking at a dusky landscape, perhaps by moonlight, with a large, old cypress tree in the foreground....

Click on the image for a larger view. For more, use the Art I'm Making tab to the right or visit my collage and photography website at (requires Flash Player).

Visit my studio during the 2014 Sonoma County Art Trails open studios event, Saturday and Sunday, October 11th and 12th and Saturday and Sunday, October 18th and 19th, 2014.

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